Entropy: 風箏滑雪 snow kiting
In-Flux: 激流獨木舟
Cross Country with the Snakes:滑雪樂團
Badgered: 被關的獾(動畫)
星期日, 3月 30, 2008
星期五, 3月 21, 2008
To the limit
這片子紀錄一對德國兄弟 Thomas and Alexander Huber(兩人都是著名優秀的攀岩者),挑戰優勝美地著名的 Nose(鬍子是明年要挑戰這鼻子嗎?),約1000公尺高,一般有經驗的攀爬者要花 3-5 天,他們打算在2.5小時內完成,他們能成功嗎?
楷子我無意間 Wiki 了一下發現答案,不過我4/5會去看大螢幕,據說懼高者會被嚇到...
楷子我無意間 Wiki 了一下發現答案,不過我4/5會去看大螢幕,據說懼高者會被嚇到...
"Climbing is a very creative artistic thing as well as being an athletic sport. It's about finding beautiful things in nature and interacting with them."
"The goal of climbing, a route is started at the bottom and goes to the top without falling. Sometimes it takes years... Just gonna keep and try to come back with positive attitude. And then somehow when you're not expecting it, it just happens."
"Climbing is this never ending cycle of finding something that you're really motivated on, obsessed over it. And once you get to the top, celebrating for a little while, and then moving on to the next thing."
"Climbing is a very creative artistic thing as well as being an athletic sport. It's about finding beautiful things in nature and interacting with them."
"The goal of climbing, a route is started at the bottom and goes to the top without falling. Sometimes it takes years... Just gonna keep and try to come back with positive attitude. And then somehow when you're not expecting it, it just happens."
"Climbing is this never ending cycle of finding something that you're really motivated on, obsessed over it. And once you get to the top, celebrating for a little while, and then moving on to the next thing."
星期四, 3月 20, 2008
星期六, 3月 08, 2008
文章 (Atom)